Artificial sweeteners cause more harm than good. In fact, they can lead to weight gain and increase our risk for chronic diseases.
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An Intro Guide to Reading a Nutrition Label
Marketing gimmicks abound in the grocery store. Knowing how to read a nutrition label is the best way to arm yourself and choose healthy food.
Nutrition-Based Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diets
There are several health benefits of vegetarian diets as well as aspects that can harm your health over time. Let’s discuss this more!
CVD Prevention and Fasting Diets
World Heart Day is a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. New research shows how fasting can help CVD prevention. Read on!
Foods and Supplements to Support Immune Function
As public interaction increases, your immune system will be bombarded by new exposures. Check out some key nutrients to support our immunity!
Boost Your Immune System: Reduce Your Toxic Burden
Our immune system is connected to all other systems, including our detox pathways. Reduce toxin exposure to boost our immune system health!